MATLAB: Syntax Error using Fcn Block


I am trying to use Fcn Block but everytime i get this error
The Expression is (1/Mus)*(Ks*(u[3]-u[4])+Ct*(u([7]-u[2])+Kt*(u[6]-u[4])-u[5]) by taking 7 inputs through Mux and taking as input to Fcn Block
This is the error I am getting
The expression: (1/Mus)*(Ks*(u[3]-u[4])+Ct*(u([7]-u[2])+Kt*(u[6]-u[4])-u[5]) in 'Skyhook_Quater_Car_Me/Quater Car /Fcn1' has a syntax error
Can somebody help me on this..
Thanks in Advance

Best Answer

You need round parentheses for indexing, not square brackets:
% ==>
When I insert your expression in Matlab's Command Window, I get the error message:
Error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket.
and a mark under the first square bracket.