MATLAB: Symbolic toolbox with complex exponentials

symbolic complex exponential simplifiicationSymbolic Math Toolbox

Hello Matlab people,
I have a question about the symbolic toolbox when using complex numbers.
Quite often I will end up with a solution to either a differential equation or by some manner, in which the matrix solution is the sum of complex exponentials representing real valued a signal. But I can't seem to reliably force matlab to just combine them.
So for example:
exp(t*(4 - 2i))/2 + exp(t*(4 + 2i))/2
a symbolic function of t.
Of course, in final form we would normally want to express that as a sinusoid multiplied by a real exponential.
I've tried the combine function (maybe not correctly), expand, collect.. I've hand written an inverse laplace transform to convert complex conjugate poles and residues automatically to convert compex residues conjugate poles into "normal looking" real valued functions when doing inverse laplace which seems to work until the numerical inaccuracy starts to grow for more complicated transfer functions.
Is there a way to get matlab to do autmatically combine the complex conjugate exponential terms into sinusoidal functions?
So the above expression could be of the form:
exp( 4*t ) * cos( 2t)
And more generally of the form:
A * exp( a*t) * cos( w*t + theta )
B1 * exp( a*t) * cos( w*t ) + B2 * exp( a*t) * sin( w*t )

Best Answer

One approach is to use the rewrite and simplify functions:
syms t
y = exp(t*(4 - 2i))/2 + exp(t*(4 + 2i))/2
Y = simplify(rewrite(y, 'sin'), 'Steps', 50)
y =
exp(t*(4 - 2i))/2 + exp(t*(4 + 2i))/2
Y =
See the documentation for the fucntions for details and examples.
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