MATLAB: Symbolic toolbox typeset equations

mathematicsSymbolic Math Toolbox

Hi all
I have Symbolic Toolbox and also Mathematica Home edition. I always have to go back to mathematica if i want to test my assumption like a white board… i do this because it allows me to type mathematically correct looking equations and formulas with keyboard shortcuts
This is a major limitation which will allow if implemented , to compete with Mathematica symbolic engine on a more equal footing… Now i also understand why they chose im mathematica ALT+ENTER to evaluate an expression
In MATLAB symbolic toolbox i have to print them with print and then copy the typeset equation in text…If i need to change it i have to repeat the print …This is tedious… Is there any way to use MUPAD like a REAL mathematical nootebook in this regard?
Best regards.

Best Answer

I found something which alleviates somehow this issue It was hidden at the end of the help system -_-''
output::mathText(str1, expr1, <expr2, …>)
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