MATLAB: Symbolic subs vectorized form

substitutionsymbolicSymbolic Math Toolboxvectorized

Hi there,
what does work is:
syms a b
vals = [4 5];
subs(a + b, [a, b], vals);
This returns 9 as expected.
What I'm trying to do is
syms a b
vals = [4 5; 6 7];
subs(a + b, [a, b], vals);
With the expected result of 9; 13.
Some technical framework:
The result does not need to be symbolic, if this does matter, I'm using vpa(subs(…)) anyway. The problem is: I have a symbolic solution of a large equation, where I want to replace parameters to gain the numeric value of the solution. The (symbolic) solution is also long and complicated, so that substituition in a loop lasts quite long.
Is there a way to define a vector with known parameters to pass it to subs/vpa (?) so that the numerical evaluation takes place only once?

Best Answer

Ok... found the solution now. It is listed in the help
under the section
Substitute Multiple Scalars with Arrays
sorry for noise.
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