MATLAB: Symbolic solve giving wierd roots

syms solve

Hi there,
I was trying to solve for a complicated but nevertheless a polynomial equation with the symbolic toolbox. I got a solution but can't make sense of it. I had input as
ff=1/2 - (2*bn*x - z^4*(2*z^2 - 6*z + 5))^2/8;
t = solve(ff,z);
with the output as
RootOf(z1^6 - 3*z1^5 + (5*z1^4)/2 - bn*x + 2^(1/2)*Eo^(1/2), z1)
RootOf(z1^6 - 3*z1^5 + (5*z1^4)/2 - 2^(1/2)*Eo^(1/2) - bn*x, z1)
I had read somewhere about this but can't find it now.

Best Answer

Look at the documentation of SOLVE, scroll down to rootof.