MATLAB: Symbolic matrix with symbolic size

symbolic indexsymbolic matrix

I am trying to define a symbolic matrix with symbolic indices
Normally, I know that a symbolic matrix A which has 2 rows and 4 columns is defined as :
A = sym('A', [2 4])
But I want to define it with m rows and n columns, when I use the following code, I have an error message: Error using sym (line 253) Second argument must be assumption or size vector:
syms m n
A = sym('A', [m n])
So, how can I accomplish this?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

As mentioned in this question , Matrices with unknown size is not supported in MATLAB and thus the correct error message is displayed. You can try the workaround given in the answer by defining a large matrix and then cropping it based on the actual values of ‘m’ and ‘n’.