MATLAB: Symbolic matrix diagonalization problem

eigenvalueeigenvectormatrix diagonalizationsymbolic matrix

Dear All,
I faced a problem with matrix diagonalization. I want to find the matrix that diagonalizes, say, matrix A. It is known that V^-1*A*V=D solves this problem, where V is the matrix of eigenvectors and D is the matrix of eigenvalues. I checked this method with arbitrary matrices and saw that it works, as it should be.
However, when I try to diagonalize a 3×3 symbolic matrix, V^-1*A*V does not give me D matrix. What could have gone wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
syms k1 k2 k3 m1 m2 m3;

Best Answer

Err = simplify(d1-D);
all(Err(:) == 0)