MATLAB: Symbolic Equation Solver- should work, but doesn’t!

solvesymbolic equationsymbolic expression

I have a matrix that includes terms using the symbol "s". I need the exponential of that matrix, and then the determinant of that, both in terms of s, which I then want to set equal to 0 to solve for s. For example:
syms s
So now I have a long equation in terms of the symbol s. According to the mathworks website , I should be able to do this:
"Algebraic Equations with One Symbolic Variable
Use the double equal sign (==) to define an equation. Then you can solve the equation by calling the solve function. For example, solve this equation:
syms x
solve(x^3 - 6*x^2 == 6 - 11*x)
ans =
So I've defined s as a symbol, but when I use solve(Step2==0,s)
it gives me an error- essentially that symbol can't be used in a logic expression?
So what's the deal? Anyone have any idea why it isn't working? Thanks!!! Kaitlin

Best Answer

Just use
Note: the vpa() step probably is not doing you much good for accurate solutions. It might possibly make the solution faster, though.
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