MATLAB: Symbolic coding calculations problem.

symbolic calculations issues.

I wrote my code in matlab using symbolic coding and computed the value of symbolic variable T1 in terms of other symbolic variables and then substituted value of other variables to get this humongous term
(83718240305934237709*sin((459*sin(317/100))/100 + (1901*sin(389/200))/500 + (81*sin(399/200))/40 - (1532*sin(2229/1000))/5 + (1107*sin(2289/1000))/1000 + (1684*sin(1397/2000))/5 + (1211*sin(2507/1000))/2500 - (1822*sin(3837...
…..What should i do to simplify this term into a single term for each entry in array.
relevant segment of Code:
format short
%the function data returns the value corresponding to each function parameter(q1a,q1xa...etc)
for c=1:1:120
%substituting the values of variables by actual numerics
%T1 is an array of size 120 storing different values .

Best Answer

First ‘relevant’ is relative. You left out your syms call, and perhaps others, making it difficult to work with.
To simplify ‘T1’, use the simplify function, with a considerable number of permitted iterations:
T1 = simplify(T1, 'Steps',500)
The vpa function is also useful in simplification, if you have assigned numeric values to your variables.