MATLAB: Symbol calculation and numerical values


I have my code here :
clear all
syms k w m e s
k=1; e=0.0006; m=2000; w=2*pi*10^6;
It will solve s for me, but if I want now a value for s, how should I do that? I do not just want to have S as a symbol, but when I have values for other parameters S must also get a numeric value. How can I do this in Matlab?

Best Answer

You are doing things in the wrong order.
k,e,m,w are not unknowns. They are knowns. So why have you set them up as symbolic?
Next, subtract k from the right hand side. Don't set the two equal. This lets you plot the thing. ALWAYS PLOT EVERYTHING! Do that before you just throw it into a solver.
syms s
k=1; e=0.0006; m=2000; w=2*pi*10^6;
eqn = (w*sqrt(e*m/2)*sqrt(sqrt(1+(s/(w*e))^2)-1)) - k;
grid on
I've plotted it over a fairly small domain. It does cross the line at y==0.
ssol = solve(eqn,s)
ssol =
ans =
Yes, you could have set everything up as symbolic, then substitute the values of k,e,m,w in at the end.
syms k w m e s
eqn = (w*sqrt(e*m/2)*sqrt(sqrt(1+(s/(w*e))^2)-1)) - k
eqn =
w*((s^2/(e^2*w^2) + 1)^(1/2) - 1)^(1/2)*((e*m)/2)^(1/2) - k
ssol = solve(eqn,s)
ssol =
-(2*k*(k^2 + e*m*w^2)^(1/2))/(m*w)
(2*k*(k^2 + e*m*w^2)^(1/2))/(m*w)
So then read the help for subs.
help subs