MATLAB: Switch in text file

swtichtext file save

Hello, I would like to make a switch to separate the the text files that have the phrase 'exp_sse2.c' from the anothers txt files that don't have this phrase.
And after I would like to save in differents pastes both.
for i = 1:length(save_finaldirs)
C = save_finaldirs(1,i)
rawdata = importdata('error.txt') %%here I am importing all the text files
IndexC = strfind(C,'exp_sse2.c') %%here I am looking for my phrase inside the text files
Index = find(not(cellfun('isempty', IndexC)))
switch IndexC %%here it's not working, I dont know to separate the files that have this phrase from the anothers and save it
case isempty

Best Answer

I think a simple if ... else would be better that switch in your case:
if isempty(strfind(C,'exp_sse2.c'))
% Actions for files not containing the string
% Actions for files containing the string