MATLAB: Switch block need help


Could anyone please describe this block for me and especially the control port I didn't understand it even after reading the help.

Best Answer

The documentation for this block is a bit confusing. Think of it as an if-else, which may make more sense if you have a computer science background.
Something like this:
if (cond == TRUE)
output = u1 %Input port 1
output = u3 %Input port 3
Where cond can be any of the following 3 choices:
1. cond = u2 >= Threshold
2. cond = u2 > Threshold
3. cond = u2 ~= 0
So the output of the block will be either input 1 or input 2 depending on the value of input 2, the type of condition selected and the value of threshold selected.
Hope that helps some!