MATLAB: Surface plot of cell arrays

cell arraycolorbarcolormapplottingsurfsurfacesurfc

I am wondering if it's possible to (at least mimic) surf/surc functions with cell arrays with each element having a different length (i.e. not a simple rectangular matrix). I am most interested in the color coding of values so that a 2D view of the plot conveys the magnitude of the function plotted.

Best Answer

My aim in using cell arrays is to minimize number of calculations done. Here are simplified versions of what I have and what I want:
% Code I have (computationally intensive)
divs_x = 10;
D_x = linspace(1, divs_x, divs_x);
divs_y = 5*max(D_x);
D_y = linspace(0, pi, divs_y);
z = zeros(divs_x, divs_y);
for k = 1 : divs_x,
z(k, :) = cos(D_y);
surf(D_y, D_x, z);
% Code I want but cannot plot
divs_x = 10;
D_x = linspace(1, divs_x, divs_x);
z = cell(1, divs_x);
D_y = cell(1, divs_x);
for k = 1 : divs_x,
divs_y = 5*D_x(k);
D_y{k} = linspace(0, pi, divs_y);
z{k} = cos(D_y{k});
I could use plot3 to plot individual cells but it won't produce the color mapping that I want. I am not terribly concerned with filled surfaces (but would be nice).