MATLAB: Surface from scatter 3 plot


I have the following scatter graph using the commant scatter 3
My x axis is a column vector 3042×1 (utuvals 0-0.6)
my y axis is a column vector 3042×1 (mppvalsco 1.3-2.1)
and z axis is a column vector 3042×1 (vectorrealcolum)
How can i convert the scatter plot to surface plot with the point appearing on it?
Thank you

Best Answer

[xq,yq] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2, -2:.2:2);
vq = griddata(x,y,v,xq,yq); %(x,y,v) being your original data for plotting points
hold on
xlim([-2.7 2.7])
ylim([-2.7 2.7])
You get the surface plot with points appearing on it, using the above code. You may also refer to the documentation at
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