MATLAB: Suppressing Functions Without Removing Output

answer suppression

I am new to matlab and I have been having this problem:
-Say for example I have this function,
function [circle_area] = calcarea(r)
%calculates the area of a circle given radius length
circle_area = pi.*(r.^2)
– This displays out the output circle_area and also the "ans"
– I want to suppress the "ans: but without removing the output [cicle_area]
– If I delte [circle_area] I am affecting all my scripts where I use this function
– Example Script affected by deleting output:-
% This script calculates the area of a circle
% It prompts the user for the radius
radius = input('Please enter the radius: ');
% It then calls our function to calculate the
% area and then prints the result
area = calcarea(radius);
disp('The area is ');
– This displays an error too many outputs which I concluded came from the missing output when I delete [circle_area]
Can someone help me with this, it would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

% This script calculates the area of a circle
% It prompts the user for the radius
radius = input('Please enter the radius: ');
% It then calls our function to calculate the
% area and then prints the result
area = calcarea(radius);
fprintf('The area is: %f\n',area);
function circle_area = calcarea(r)
%calculates the area of a circle given radius length
circle_area = pi.*(r.^2);