MATLAB: Suppressing Function Console Output


Im attempting to suppress the output of text to the console generated by a function. I'm aware this question has been asked several times in different formats, but unfortunately that hasn't resolved my issue.
First I will outline my code.
for i = 2:length(lreturns)
holder = garchvar(lreturns(1:i), 'GARCH', 'GAUSSIAN', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.05);
GARCH_Gaussian_VaR(i) = holder(1);
Each iteration of the function garchvar() generates a lower and upper number. My code creates a vector of these lower numbers and works fine for that purpose.
However, the function also generates a lot of unwanted output to the console – around 75 lines of text.
Things I have done to attempt to resolve this issue are:
Using evalc in the following way:
for i = 2:length(lreturns)
holder = evalc(garchvar(lreturns(1:i), 'GARCH', 'GAUSSIAN', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.05));
GARCH_Gaussian_VaR(i) = holder(1);
But this just gives the error message:
Undefined function 'evalc' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Ive tried to debug the function and comment or put semi-colons where output is generated. Embedded within garchvar is another function, and embedded within that function is another and so on. The first output is printed when I arrive at the following line of the function fmincon.m which is in the optimlib toolbox. When debugging step by step the first output is delivered after the line:
if diagnostics
% Do diagnostics on information so far
Even after Ive commented this section, this does not suppress the output. Hence I'm quite confused by this. If I continue to debug, the function does not provide the same output as if I run the function in normal mode.
So my question is how can I run my code and suppress all output to the console given that what I have tried hasn't worked.

Best Answer

holder = evalc('garchvar(lreturns(1:i), ''GARCH'', ''GAUSSIAN'', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.05)');