MATLAB: Support for TI C2000 Packages installation in Embedded Coder Matlab 2014b with CCSv6.0.1 and issues faced

ccsccsv6ccsv6.0.1Embedded Codermatlab 2014bti c2000

I am trying to install the support packages for the TI C2000 processors. I have Matlab 2014b with Embedded Coder and Code Composer Studio(CCS) V6.0.1 . I am getting the following messages when I try to install the support packages using the corresponding links as support.
Please let me know what the issue is. I have re installed the whole CCS package all over again just to ensure that all the necessary packages are installed. But even then I am facing the same issue as described above. Also, does Matlab 2014b support CCSv6. Kindly let me know if I need to install my Embedded Coder on a different version of matlab or I should be using a different version of CCS. Also, it would be great if I can get which versions of Matlab are compatible with the corresponding versions of CCS. That would be great.
Thank you very much in advance! Puneeth

Best Answer

Hello All,
The main reason why I was getting this error was because I was connecting to the internet over wifi which used a different ip. The ip which the computer will use over the cable was to which the license was taken. Hence, I was getting this error.
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