MATLAB: Super simple problem with imread


So I know that this will be a simple fix, I am not very familiar with Matlab.
I am trying to read in a picture using imread using this code…
path = 'C:\Users\chris\Documents\Homework\ThermoFluids\Sphere Drag\Orange1_C001H001S0001';
Directory = dir([path '/*.tif']);
picture = imread(Directory(1).name);
Those are all .tif files. This code was working for an adjacent folder and I can't figure out why it isn't working for this folder.
The error matlab is giving me is shown below…
Error using imread>get_full_filename (line 566)
File "Orange1_C001H001S0001000001.tif" does not exist.
Error in imread (line 375)
fullname = get_full_filename(filename);
Error in SphereDrag (line 7)
picture = imread(Directory(1).name);

Best Answer

The problem is that you're not prepending the folder to the base file name so it will look only in the current folder (of your m-file) or on the search path. To have it find the file that is not there, you must give the full file name by prepending the folder.
And do NOT use path as the name of your folder since it's the name of a very improtant built-in variable.
folder = 'C:\Users\chris\Documents\Homework\ThermoFluids\Sphere Drag\Orange1_C001H001S0001';
fileList = dir(fullfile(folder, '/*.tif'));
fullFileName = fullfile(fileList(1).folder, fileList(1).name)
picture = imread(fullFileName);