MATLAB: Summation of Array help!


I have an array and I'd like to sum up very specific data. Background info, the array is an image and I would like to display an image which is a summation of a few frames
my data is stored like such:
a = data{1}(:,:,1,:15) % This displays the first image in the 15th frame.
I would like to display the first image with a summation of the first to fourth frame but when I try I get errors
sum(data{1}(:,:,1,1:4)); imagesc(a)
the error obtained is:
Error using image Indexed CData must be size [MxN], TrueColor CData must be size [MxNx3]
Error in imagesc (line 19) hh = image(varargin{1},'CDataMapping','scaled');
Error in Summation (line 5) imagesc(a)
What does this mean, and how can I fix it !?

Best Answer

sum(data{1}(:,:,1,1:4) ,4 );