MATLAB: Summation in a for loop without cumulitive


I have a very simple question.
I want to summate the variable A for a certain interval + and – B.
for i=(b+1):length((a)-b)
C(i) = sum(a(i-b):(i+b));
This loop works, however the output that I get is a cumulative sum of all the previous. So I get an exponential increase. However I would like to just have the sum over the interval -b:b for all values of i. So no cummulation.

Best Answer

C(i) = sum( a([i-b]:[i+b]) )
That puts into C(i), the sum of the (i-b)th index of a, to the (i+b)th index of a.
What you had, put into C(i), the sum of the (i-b)th index of a to (i+b)