MATLAB: Sum within the elements of a vector

bsxfunmatrix manipulationsumvector

Suppose you have the following 1xn vector:
How the sum of the elements (each other) is calculated?
For example,
The sum of first element with the others
{[(1,1)+(1,2)} {(1,1)+(1,3)} {(1,1)+(1,4)} . . . {(1,1)+(1,n)}
The sum of second element with the others
{(1,2)+(1,3)} {(1,3)+(1,4)} . . . {(1,2)+(1,n)}
and so on.
The sum {(1,1)+(1,2)} is the same with the {(1,2)+(1,1)} and should only considered once.
Also the sum of an element with itself, shouldn`t be taken into account.
Thank you.

Best Answer

v = 1:10;
out = bsxfun(@plus,v,v');
EDIT make diagonal elements = 0
[r,c] = size(out);
out(1:r+1:r*c) = 0;