MATLAB: Sum up elements in cells

cell arrayMATLABmatrix array

I want to sum up elements in cells so that a product of the sum is a matrix. The cell is for instance A{i,j}, with each cell contains a matrix B(p,q).
Now I want to matrix C which is a sum of each matrix in the cell A, so:
B_A{i,j} means matrix B(p,q) from cell A{i,j}
B_A{1,1} + B_A{1,2} + ... + B_A{1,j}
B_A{2,1} + B_A{2,2} + ... + B_A{2,j}
B_A{i,1} + B_A{i,2} + ... + B_A{i,j}*
and then sum again all the columns, so that matrix C has also dimension of pxq.
I am trying something like this:
C = A{i,:} + A{:,i} + A{j,:} + A{:,j};
However matrix dimensions is exceeded?

Best Answer

Perhaps you mean this:
S = 0;
for k = 1:numel(A)
S = S + A{k};
Alternatively (faster processing, more temporary RAM required):
C = cat(3, A{:});
S = sum(C, 3);