MATLAB: Subtracting two matrices yields a scalar in MATLAB


Dear all,
I have the following code :
for i=1:length(QRS_onset)
Both the ST interval and ST segment are matrices. However, the result of T wave duration is scalar. Why is this?
Thanks in advance for the help

Best Answer

Are you trying to only substract some of the elements? Else you can simply do: A-B. Also i guess you mean the result is a vector instead of a matrix. That is because of the way you fill it. You use linear indices for ST_Interval_in_sec and since T_wave_duration_in_sec is not predefined it just makes a vector. See:
You can fix this by doing this before the loop: T_wave_duration_in_sec = zeros(rows,cols);
rows and cols should be the size of the output matrix.