MATLAB: Subtracting two cell arrays, yielding a third cell array

cell arraysMATLABsubtracting

I have two cell array of vectors; each cell in both cell arrays contains a 1 by 3 vector. For example,
A={[20 20 20],[30 30 30],[40 40 40];[50 50 50],[60 60 60],[70 70 70]};
B={[1 1 1],[2 2 2],[3 3 3];[4 4 4],[5 5 5],[6 6 6]};
How can I subtract B from A? For example, I wish to find:
C={[19 19 19],[28 28 28],[37 37 37];[46 46 46],[55 55 55],[64 64 64]}
Is there a way I can do this without stepping through each cell, converting them to numeric arrays using cell2mat, and then converting them back to cells?
Thank you very much for your time.
Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

Best Answer

C = cellfun(@minus,A,B,'Un',0)