MATLAB: Subsystem(Mask)

power systemserial portsimulink

how to make a subsystem(mask).. i have 2 files..which is M-files where i put the machine parameter. and the other file is Simulink files.. to run the simulink, i need to run the M-file first.. how do i put a command such as subsytem(for the parameter) on the S-files so that i didnt have to open M-file . by clicking the Subsystem (mask) at the simulink, the M-file already save at workspace without opening the M-file separately..anyone who knows, please help me… =)

Best Answer

You can create an InitFcn Block Callback Function on your subsystem so that the corresponding MATLAB-file is always run when the subsystem is executed. If you want to run the MATLAB code only when the subsystem is opened, you can use the OpenFcn callback.