MATLAB: Subscripted dimension mismatch error dec2hex

for loopmatrix array

I searched regarding this error but still could not resolve it. I am using the following code:
function[hexoutput] = hexaoutput(colordata)
[row col] = size(colordata);
for i=1:row
for j=1:col
hexoutput(i,j) = dec2hex(colordata(i,j),6);
I am getting the subscripted dim mismatch error. But this is how we loop through a matrix. I am confused. Any help would be great. Thanks.

Best Answer

dec2hex(SOMETHING,6) is going to return 6 (or more) characters. You then try to store those 6 characters into a single numeric array location. Remember, hex is represented as character, but zeros() is numeric, so you are using the wrong datatype for your output array and you are not allowing for the fact that each output needs multiple characters.
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