MATLAB: ‘Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch” error..can anyone help


I am writing a program to access elements in the cell and put them in mtrix and i m getting above code is as follows..I have (1*1) cell with column matrix with k rows in it..
i want to access elements in column matrix in following sequence (11,12,13,15,16,17,19,20,21…)
function [ coordinates ] = readSTL1( filename,k)
% reads ASCII STL file and gives coordinates of vertices.
%filename-name of file(test.txt),k- number of rows in column matrix.
%reads file and generates cell.
m = 1;
i = 1;
while(m < (k-3))
% m is row number of column matrix
l = 1;
P(i,1) = C{1,1}{m,1}; % see help for accessing cell arrays
l = l+1; % makes sure loop runs thrice.
m = m+1; % access corresponding row from cell'C'.
i = i+1; % row number in output matrix.
m = m+1;

Best Answer

You are trying to store an entire string (which is a vector of characters) into the single scalar location P(i,l)
What datatype are you expecting P to come out as? If you are expecting it to come out as a cell array of strings, then assign to P{i,1}