MATLAB: Subscript in stackedplot DisplayLabels


Hello everyone,
I'm trying to build a stacked plot with 3 graphs using Matlab 2018b's stackedplot-function. I'd like to write the corresponding DisplayLabels in TeX-style so that I can use subscripts, as can be done in regular plots without problem using e.g.
When I create a stackedplot using below code though, the labels are printed 'as is' instead of as a subscript:
s = stackedplot(f,If,'DisplayLabels',{'T_{r} = 50 ns','T_{r} = 20 ns','T_{r} = 10 ns'});
I've tried accessing Interpreter-properties and even setting
but couldn't get it to work as intended.
Can anyone please tell me how to do that?
Best regards

Best Answer

You can access the individual stacked-axes' properties via the hidden sub-property Axes of the stackedplot's AxesProperties property, and then modify the YLabel's Interpreter property to 'tex' or 'latex' (it's 'none' by default).
For example, to change the middle (2nd) YLabel:
s = stackedplot(...);
axesProps = struct(s.AxesProperties(2)); % using struct() is undocumented
axesProps.Axes.YLabel.Interpreter = 'tex';
Note that using struct() to access internal object properties is undocumented.