MATLAB: Subscript assignment mismatch.


I run my code, and get this response:
d =[ 0 0.9539 1.0584 1.1880 0.4512
0.9539 0 0.8293 1.1050 1.0646
1.0584 0.8293 0 0.4785 0.7907
1.1880 1.1050 0.4785 0 0.8752
0.4512 1.0646 0.7907 0.8752 0]
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in geomp (line 105)
d(w,w) = [];
The for loop is as follows:
for w=1:5
d(w,w) = [];
and as you can se, it displays d, but it is not deleting d(1,1), d(2,2) etc.
I have run ismatrix(d) (and gotten 1) as well as size(d), which is 5 5
Whats going on here?

Best Answer

If you delete d(1,1) what is the expected result? You can't do it unless d is a cell array
For example:
d=[1 2 3;4 5 6]
If you delete the first element
What are you expecting as result? is it a matrix? what kind of matrix that rows are not the same size! You can define a cell array
d={1 2 3;4 5 6}