MATLAB: Subs Command


Is it possible to make an array in a function then substitute a certain element to another element. I have a beam equation with certain forces on different parts. So I created a variable for the length and am given an expression for the whole beam. So I split the equation into multiple parts and now want to evaluate each piece through different lengths. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

From your description I gather that you want to swap out a range of values from an array into new indices within that array. You can modify values in a range by simply passing that range as a subscript on the left and passing new values (the same length) on the right...
Let's say I have the array:
x = 1:20
I can swap 5 elements from either end like this:
x([1:5 15:20]) = x([15:20 1:5])
Or duplicate sections
x(1:4) = x(5:8)
Or just mess it up
x([5 9 20 13:16]) = x([1 4 7 10 11 18 19 20])