MATLAB: Subplots within for loops

for loopplotssubplots

Hi all,
I can't seem to find a solution for this simple problem:
I have a for loop with an output of 8 plots. I would like to group them as they come out in 2 subplots of 4. How can I do this?

Best Answer

figure() ;
for plotId = 1 : 4
subplot(2, 2, plotId) ;
plot(x{plotId}, y{plotId}) ;
figure() ;
for plotId = 1 : 4
subplot(2, 2, plotId) ;
plot(x{plotId+4}, y{plotId+4}) ;
or in one loop, but it adds some complexity that may not be that useful:
for plotId = 1 : 8
if ~mod(plotId-1, 4)
figure() ;
subplot(2, 2, mod(plotId-1, 4)+1) ;
plot(x{plotId}, y{plotId}) ;
Finally, if you wanted to define your own axes to avoid all the space left by SUBPLOT and fit your 8 plots in one figure, you could do it as illustrated in my answer here: