MATLAB: Sub2ind gives error: Error using sub2ind (line 73) Out of range subscript.


Im trying to adapt an existing script to match equivalent data but for a different time period.
The initial code is
Nfirms = 50000;
Tperiods = 1000;
Tshock = 800;
% pre-allocation;
sim_i_a = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_i_k = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_a_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_k_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_c_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_coll_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_effective_lambda_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_Psi_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_i_a(:,1) = index_a0;
sim_i_k(:,1) = index_k0;
sim_a_val(:,1) = a_grid(sim_i_a(:,1));
sim_k_val(:,1) = k_grid(sim_i_k(:,1));
sim_i_r = zeros(Tperiods,1);
sim_i_r(1:Tshock-1) = 6; %until 1993;
sim_i_r(Tshock:Tshock+17) =[5,... %1994
5,... %1995
5,... %1996
4,... %1997
3,... %1998
1,... %1999
2,... %2000
2,... %2001
1,... %2002
1,... %2003
1,... %2004
1,... %2005
2,... %2006
3,... %2007
2,... %2008
3,... %2009
2,... %2010
2]; %2011
And i changed sim_i_r to
sim_i_r = zeros(Tperiods,1);
sim_i_r(1:Tshock-1) = 2; %until 2011;
sim_i_r(Tshock:Tshock+6) =[2,... %2011
0,... %2012
0,... %2013
-1,... %2014
-1,... %2015
-1,... %2016
-1]; %2017
But in doing so i get an error with the sub2ind function in the two following instances:
%generate paths;
it = 2;
index = sub2ind( size(sim_pol_ind_ap), sim_i_a(:,it-1),sim_i_k(:,it-1),sim_i_zp(:),sim_i_zt(:,it-1),sim_i_r(it-1)*ones(Nfirms,1),sim_i_tau(:,it-1),sim_i_q(:,it-1) );
for it = 2:Tperiods
sim_i_a(:,it) = sim_pol_ind_ap( index );
sim_i_k(:,it) = sim_pol_ind_kp( index );
index = sub2ind( size(c_val), sim_i_a(:,it),sim_i_k(:,it),sim_i_zp(:),sim_i_zt(:,it),sim_i_r(it)*ones(Nfirms,1),sim_i_tau(:,it),sim_i_q(:,it) );
sim_a_val(:,it) = a_grid(sim_i_a(:,it));
sim_k_val(:,it) = k_grid(sim_i_k(:,it));
sim_c_val(:,it) = c_val( index );
sim_coll_val(:,it) = binding_collateral( index );
sim_effective_lambda_val(:,it) = effective_lambda(index);
Sizes in the first argument of each sub2ind call, respectively,
ans =
120 120 2 11 6
ans =
120 120 2 11 6
I don't understand why i get this error, since i didn't change the size of the array sim_i_r, just the values it takes at different points.

Best Answer

sim_i_r was valid indices (integers greater than zero), but you changed it to invalid ones (zeros, decimals, negatives). Matlab should give a better warning ("invalid index" vs "index out of range")