MATLAB: Structure export to csv


I have this structure but I need to export it to an CSV spreadsheet and I'm not sure how to do that… All the values are saved in the structure 'Element'. Such as, Element(1) will pull up Hydrogen, Element(2) will pull up Helium, etc…
Names: 'Hydrogen'
Chemical_Symbol: 'H'
Atomic_Number: 1
Class: 'Other nonmetals'
Atmoic_Weight: 1.0080
Electrons_in_Each_Shell: [1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Names: 'Helium'
Chemical_Symbol: 'He'
Atomic_Number: 2
Class: 'Noble Gases'
Atmoic_Weight: 4.0026
Electrons_in_Each_Shell: [2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Names: 'Lithium'
Chemical_Symbol: 'Li'
Atomic_Number: 3
Class: 'Alkali metals'
Atmoic_Weight: 6.9400
Electrons_in_Each_Shell: [2 1 0 0 0 0 0]
Names: 'Beryllium'
Chemical_Symbol: 'Be'
Atomic_Number: 4
Class: 'Alkaline earth metals'
Atmoic_Weight: 9.0122
Electrons_in_Each_Shell: [2 2 0 0 0 0 0]
Names: 'Boron'
Chemical_Symbol: 'B'
Atomic_Number: 5
Class: 'Metalloids'
Atmoic_Weight: 10.8100
Electrons_in_Each_Shell: [2 3 0 0 0 0 0]

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