MATLAB: Struct for loop syntax difficulty

for loopsindexingloopsstructs

Not sure what I'm doing wrong with the following loop:
for p=66:1:95;
Site(p).Day = Data((Data(:,4) == p),:)
I want Site(p) to contain all data from only the days (in column 4) that I am looking for, which should give a 1×29 struct, but at the moment Site(p) is a 1×95 struct where the first 65 entries are blank ([]). I assume the problem is in the first line, but when I make p the correct size (eg p=1:29) I get an error message about dimension mismatch. Also, if I set another vector, eg n=95-66 and p=1:n, I get the same error message. I can't see what I'm doing wrong.

Best Answer

Site(p-65).Day = Data((Data(:,4) == p),:)
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