MATLAB: Strtok is only using the first character of the delimiter instead of the full character vector


I am trying to use strtok to split a character vector using a character vector as my delimiter. However, MATLAB is only using the first character in the vector.
For example,
tok=strtok('Hello World','HAIR')
tok='ello World'
Instead of 'Hello World'

Best Answer

"How do I make it so that only HAIR is the delimiter and not H, A, I, or R?"
You can't do that with strtok. The simplest is to regexp with the 'split' option:
>> regexp('Hello World HAIR xyz HAIRdo', 'HAIR', 'split')
ans =
1×3 cell array
{'Hello World '} {' xyz '} {'do'}
Note: read the documentation of regexp as some characters such as .+- have special meaning.