MATLAB: Strings with changing length and cases


Hi, Im trying to make the following code work and it just wont seem to do what I want. NOTE – The string length of my variable is changing so for different cases I want a different interval.
Astr = '123456789'
switch Astr
case strcmp(Astr([2:4,5:7]), '234567' )
x = 5
case strcmp(Astr([3:6,6:8]), '789123' )
x = 6
case strcmp(Astr([1:3,4:6]), '912345' )
x = 7
x = 8
I think it has to do with the way Im defining the string values, it keeps outputting x = 8 (the otherwise case). Please let me know how to fix thanks!

Best Answer

It's more appropriate to use IF statement
Astr = '123456789'
if isequal(Astr([2:4,5:7]), '234567' )
x = 5
elseif isequal(Astr([3:6,6:8]), '789123' )
x = 6
elseif isequal(Astr([1:3,4:6]), '912345' )
x = 7
x = 8