MATLAB: String to character array


I have converted a string array to a character array
c = cellstr(bb)
d = char(c)
when i index variable d, it gives me vertical characters instead of horizontal. for example i have a character string 'ATG' and another 'GCB'. d(2) should give me 'T' but it gives me 'G'. PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE IT OUT.

Best Answer

This is expected if you only give one subscript for the array. Remember that arrays in MATLAB are stored "down the columns". The first entry in memory is d(1,1), the second entry in memory is d(2,1), and so on until d(end,1) followed by d(1,2), d(2,2), d(3,2) and so on.
If you want entire rows, then d(1,:), d(2,:) and so on.
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