MATLAB: String Search with Special Characters


I have reviewed quite a few posts on this subject but I must be missing something since I cannot get my string search working. If you can help I would be very thankful. Say we have the following:
Say I have a string that is built up as follows:
  1. 1st character is >
  2. 2nd-5th characters are ABCD
  3. 6th character is a space
  4. There are a variable number of alphanumerical characters (i.e. 0 through 9, a-z, A-Z) for the 7th slot etc.
  5. #4 is followed by a period
  6. There are again a variable number of alphanumerical characters (i.e. 0 through 9, a-z, A-Z)
  7. The last character is a <
How would you set up the regexp syntax to dertermine the locations in your string where these cases happen?
Here are two sample strings:
S = '>ABCD 1010.01<';
S = '>ABCD 2345678.123<';
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

pat = '>ABCD \w*.\w*<';
str = 'whateveryouwant>ABCD 2345678.123<andmore>ABCD 1010.01<';
idx = regexp(str,pat)