MATLAB: String parsing and array of strings

arraymatrix arraystraing parsing

The input data format is target$345$678$78$780$target. Noe the data format is constant but the number set is continuously changing. The first number set denotes temperature, the next pressure and so on. I want to store the first number set in an array called Temp(100)–Storing 100 sets of value, next number set in an array called Pressure(100). So parsing is required..each number set is to be stored in a different set of array.

Best Answer

Inpt = 'target$345$678$78$780$target';
Str = strrep(Inpt,'target','');
Dcell = textscan(str(2:end),'%f','delimiter','$');
Temp(1) = Dcell{1}(1);
Pressure(1) = Dcell{1}(2);
.....and same for other values and other set of input string