MATLAB: String and character array not properly printing


I am trying to write a prompt for input from the user in a subfunction. This prompt will be dependent upon the name of the files they have loaded in another subfunction. I can get Matlab to correctly write the string (as shown when I look at the variable while debugging) using the following code,
function GraphIt (filenamestr)
promptopt=strings(1,length(filenamestr)); %preallocating
prompt=sprintf('Which file do you want to graph from? (Please input number)'); %first line of prompt
for i=1:length(filenamestr) %Writing string
promptopt=sprintf(' %d. %s',i,filenamestr(i));
funcstr=input(prompt); %User input
However I cannot get the string to properly print via fprintf or the prompt of the input. I have tried using the char command (with \n at the end of each line) instead of strvcat to write the text as a character array but I still have the same problem.
Please note that the string has characters such as ()-, in it.
For reference the string prints as:
W h12i..c h0L .if1Bi NlMMe B B dLmoDi -cyIro-ou1e 2lw0ea cnpttor lotydo(e L gi6rBVaN pMchBy )cf lr(io1nm.g?5. t(mxPLtl) e am si en i i nb pa ut th nt ue ms bt e, r )i n s i d e g l o v e b o x , t e f l o n c a p , P t m i c r o e l e c t r o d e , 6 V 5 0 c y c l e s , 0 . 0 1 V s . t x t W h12i..c h0L .if1Bi NlMMe B B dLmoDi -cyIro-ou1e 2lw0ea cnpttor lotydo(e L gi6rBVaN pMchBy )cf lr(io1nm.g?5. t(mxPLtl) e am si en i i nb pa ut th nt ue ms bt e, r )i n s i d e g l o v e b o x , t e f l o n c a p , P t m i c r o e l e c t r o d e , 6 V 5 0 c y c l e s , 0 . 0 1 V s . t x t
when it should be:
Which file do you want to graph from? (Please input number)
1. 0.1 M BLD-I-120 poly(LiBNMB) (1.5 mL) mini bath test, inside glovebox, teflon cap, Pt microelectrode, 6 V 50 cycles, 0.01Vs.txt
2. LiBNMB microelectrode 6V cycling.txt
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Two things happen here: input actually only accepts a character vector for prompt but you are providing it with a matrix, and you then failed to take into account the fact that MATLAB is column-major (so that when you provide a non-supported matrix prompt to input then MATLAB converts this into one row character vector using the column-major sequence). Your characters are certainly all there, you can clearly see how they have been arranged:
W h12i..c h0L .if1Bi NlMMe B B dLmoDi -cyIro-ou1e 2lw0ea cnpttor lotydo(e ...
row 1: W h i c h f i l e d o y o u w a n t t o ...
row 2: 1 . 0 . 1 M B L D - I - 1 2 0 p o l y ( ...
row 3: 2 . L i B N M B m i c r o e l e c t r o d e ...
The solution is to not use strvcat, but concatenate the substrings properly into a single vector, so that you can provide a character vector just as the input help requests. You should always use the 's' option too, to avoid magically evaluating whatever input the user gives. Here is one solution (untested):
function GraphIt(filenamestr)
prompt = 'Which file do you want to graph from? (Please input number)');
for k = 1:numel(filenamestr)
prompt = sprintf('%s\n %d. %s', prompt, k, filenamestr(k));
funcstr = input(prompt,'s');