MATLAB: Strcat including space (i.e, ‘ ‘)


I have to concatenate words, including spaces
Ex. a='word1'; b='word2';c=strcat(a,' ',b);
I need 'word1 word2', however, the value on c is 'word1word2'
Can you help me?

Best Answer

To include spaces when concatenating character vectors, use square brackets.
a = 'word1';
b = 'word2';
c = [a ' ' b]
The “ strcat ” function ignores trailing whitespace characters in character vectors. However, “strcat” preserves them in cell arrays of character vectors or string arrays.
a = {'word1'};
b = {'word2'};
c = strcat(a,{' '},b)
You also can use the “plus” operator to combine strings. Starting in R2017a, use double quotes to create strings. For more information on strings, see the “ string ” data type.
a = "word1";
b = "word2";
c = a + " " + b