MATLAB: Strange symbol instead of legend color


I am plotting a bar graph but it shows strange symbol instead of legend color.(All legend with title scoliosis)
model_series =[6.8340 6.9400 7.9567 8.0590 8.6337 8.4850 9.6813 9.6110
6.9900 7.3850 8.1000 7.9670 8.9988 8.8450 9.8800 9.2950
7.3859 7.6550 8.6808 8.4840 9.1937 9.1640 10.4041 9.7670
7.7200 8.3900 9.2600 8.9650 9.8925 10.0510 11.2875 10.9370
8.4460 8.5537 9.6750 9.5830 10.7713 10.8390 12.0888 11.7120];
model_error= [0.3658 0.5786 0.3906 0.5330 0.3863 0.6931 0.3600 0.5593
0.4482 0.9325 0.5073 0.3567 0.4530 0.4624 0.3595 0.7508
0.4261 0.7700 0.4834 0.2987 0.5723 0.5778 0.3924 0.8415
0.2262 0.9505 0.3509 0.5372 0.3625 0.5791 0.3269 0.8313
0.2159 0.7532 0.4219 0.3150 0.4645 0.5528 0.2776 0.8970];
colorList = [0 0.45 0.74;0.85 0.33 0.1;0.93 0.69 0.13;0.49 0.18 0.56;0.47 0.67 0.19;0.3 0.75 0.93; 0.64 0.08 0.18;0.72 0.27 1];
offset = 1;
skip = 1;
xlim([0 14])
hold on
xloc = 0;
for i = 1:size(model_series,1)
for j = 1:size(model_series,2)
xloc = xloc + offset;
xloc = xloc + skip;
set(gca,'yTick',[4.5 13.5 22.5 31.5 40.5])
% X and Y labels
ylabel ('Thoracic Spine Level','FontSize',19,'FontWeight','bold');
xlabel ('Right Vertebral Body Height (mm)','FontSize',19,'FontWeight','bold');
% Creating a legend and placing it outside the bar plot
lg = legend('Normal 7wks','Scoliotic 7wks',....
'Normal 11wks','Scoliotic 11wks', 'Normal 14wks','Scoliotic 14wks', ...
'Normal 28wks','Scoliotic 28wks','AutoUpdate','off');
lg.Location = 'westoutside';
lg.Orientation = 'Horizontal'; lg.FontSize=10;

Best Answer

The strange lines in the legend are the legend entries for the errorbar()
If you only want the bar() call to be legend'd then record the handles of the bar() and pass them to legend()