MATLAB: Str2double conversion error

errorfloating pointMATLABprecisionroundoffstr2double

Is there a way to avoid this sort of error/effect (see code below) when converting a string to a double? I have tried using str2num() but get the same result.Thanks!
>> str2double('39.11237316')
ans =

Best Answer

You're witnessing floating point roundoff error. In short, an infinite range of numbers must be represented in a finite number of bits (specifically, 64 for double precision numbers). The number you're trying to represent doesn't fit perfectly in this system so it's rounded.
Check this out.
format long
x = 39.11237316
% x =
% 39.112373159999997

% Even if you round it to 8 dp, it can't be represeneted
% ans =
% 39.112373159999997
So, it's not the str2double() that is the problem, it's the finite precision that this number can be represented in.
If higher precision is required you can use symbolic representation for your computations. But the difference between your value and the value being represented is very tiny and usually not a problem.
For a wonderful explanation of floating point roundoff error, see Cleve Moler's article (founder of Matlab).