MATLAB: Storing data in another array

storing in seperate arrays

I'm trying to store data in a separate array and was wondering how to do so, an example of my cod will be down below. My data is a 20×20 array of numerical values. What i've achieved is rounding the data in my array to 2 decimal places, but i dont know how to store the newly rounded data in a separate array. How do i create another array the same size and store the newly rounded data in there?
mydata = dlmread('data-1.csv',',');
MAX_ROWS = size(mydata,2);
MAX_COLUMNS = size(mydata,1);
% Rounding data to two decimal places
for r = 1:MAX_ROWS
for c = 1:MAX_COLUMNS

Best Answer

Why do you need all of those loops? There is no point in making your code much more complicated than it needs to be:
mydata = dlmread('data-1.csv',',');
newData = round(mydata,2);
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