MATLAB: Storing 2*1 matrix in an array of size 25

matrix array

I have got the following set of values:
Fmd-single value
Ac-single value
Eat-2*2 matrix
Fk-2*1 matrix
The dimension of Has is 2*1. I would like to store the value for 25 sets.
I have used the
The error is 'assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non singleton subscripts.
Please help.

Best Answer

Fmd = rand ; %-single value
Ac = rand ; % -single value
Eat = rand(2) ; % -2*2 matrix
Fk = rand(2,1) ; % -2*1 matrix
ac = rand(25,1) ;
Has = zeros(2,25) ;
for j = 1:25
Fk = [0;1]*(Fmd+ac(j,1)) ;
Has(:,j)=Eat*Fk ;