MATLAB: Store value into matrix, and then perform calculation upon each element

matrix calculationmonte-carlo simulationstore value into matrix

Hi, I have a question about performing calculation on each matrix elements.
My code is here:
syms m a x u;
for i=1:10^2
X = betainv(u,2,3); % beta distributed random fraction of defective parts
Y = logninv(u,5,3); % lognormal distributed demand amount
Q = 100;
Revenue=min(Y,(1-X)*Q)*53; %the total revenue
Salvage=3*max(Q*(1-X)-Y,0)+X*Q; %all the unsolde parts are salvaged, defective parts included
Basically, I generate a series of uniformly distributed random numbers. And then I use these numbers to genearate beta and lognormal distributed ones, and I would like to store them into matrix X and Y. Then I want to perform the profit calculation (revenue-cost+salvage cost etc.) for each of the values in X and Y. I just don't know how to do that.
I tried to put things as X(i) and Y(i) (to store value into matrix), but MLATLAB finds an error in that step.
I just started learning Monte Carlo simulation using MATLAB. Hope somebody can help me out here.
Thanks a lot! Ying

Best Answer

I guess you want to do
X(i) = betainv(u(i),2,3);
Y(i) = logninv(u(i),5,3);
you either missed the u(i) index, or you want to store growin u, in that case X(:,i), Y(:,i) would be some matrices (but with growing columnsize..size in your case u is growing).