MATLAB: Store the structure fields generated in a for loop into a vector

storing structure field datastoring vectors generated in a loop

Hello everyone, I have a small problem here, my 1*2 struct of the name 'ord' has 7 fields as can be seen in the figure.
This structure is generated in a 'for' loop. So, depending on the looping condition it can also be a 1*3… 1*n struct. I am required to create a vector which contains the field data of 'rpm' which gets generated each time the 'for' loop runs. In other words, I simply want to store ord(1).rpm, ord(2).rpm and so on.. into vectors. In this case it is just a 1*2 struct, I am looking for a code which can store the data generated in the rpm field as and when it gets generated while in loop!
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Use a cell array:
RPM{i} = ord.rpm;