MATLAB: Store the input into the cell array with a loop

cell arrays

I try to store three input into a cell array by using loop there are some parts I messed up. It said undefined 'game', what should I change with my code?
game1= input('Enter your game :','s')
game2= input('Enter your game :','s')
game3= input('Enter your game :','s')
n = 3;
for i = 1:n
i = cell{game*n}

Best Answer

Your loop makes no sense at all.
The simplest thing would be to store the return value of input straight into the cell array:
game{1}= input('Enter your game :','s')
game{2}= input('Enter your game :','s')
game{3}= input('Enter your game :','s')
Otherwise, you have to use build the name of the variable as a string (using sprintf for example) and then eval it to get the content of the variable:
for gamenumber = 1:3
thegame{gamenumber} = eval(sprintf('game%d', gamenumber));