MATLAB: Store iterative solutions to matrix

terative solutions to matrix

E=input('\nModulus of Elasticity, E(GPa): ');
L=input('Length of each member, L(m): ');
A=input('Area of c/s, A(m^2): ');
Theta=input('Theta(degree): ');
delta_max=input('Maximum Delta(m): ');
for i=1:del
P_L(i)=(2*E*A*10^9*a*a* delta(i))/(L*1000);
Need to store all iterative values of P_L as a vector
For E = 70, L=5.41, A=0.0006;delta_max=2; theta=33.69;
Last answer = 9.56 * (10^3)

Best Answer

Define the range of the independent variables as vectors, then use the ndgrid function to create matrices from them that you can use in the ‘P_L’ assignment (without the indices, since it will be a matrix the same size as the argument matrices) to calculate it from the resulting matrices.
To see the output with respect to each set of variables, use the reshape function on all the argument matrices, and ‘P_L’ to create them each as column vectors. Then use those with the table function to create a table of the results, with appropriate variable names.
There is no way to plot that function against all the independent variables.