MATLAB: Stopping the function from doing iteration (infinite while loop)

iterationmatlab functionwhile loop

After achieving the desired result the loop continues, how can i stop this? if truefunction y = mysqrt(x,y0,tol) % this function calculates the square root of a number x as y given the % less appropriate guess y0. The function ceases to iterate when the the % difference between y0 and y is less than 1e-3.
y = (y0 + (x/y0))/2;
y = (y + (x/y))/2;
while abs(y-y0)>tol
y = (y + (x/y))/2

Best Answer

function y = mysqrt(x,y0,tol)
y = (y0 + (x/y0))/2;
y = (y + (x/y))/2;
while abs(y^2-x)>tol
y = (y + (x/y))/2